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Northern New England, summer, 1688.
Salem started here.
A suspicious death. A rumor of war. Whispers of witchcraft. (Read More)
Perched on the brink of disaster, Resolve Hammond and her mother, Deliverance, struggle to survive in their isolated coastal village. They’re known as healers taught by the local tribes – and suspected of witchcraft by the local villagers.
Their precarious existence becomes even more chaotic when summoned to tend to a poisoned woman. As they uncover a web of dark secrets, rumors of war engulf the village, forcing the Hammonds to choose between loyalty to their native friends or the increasingly terrified settler community.
As Resolve is plagued by strange dreams, she questions everything she thought she knew – about her family, her closest friend, and even herself. If the truth comes to light, the repercussions will be felt far beyond the confines of this small settlement.
Based on meticulous research and inspired by the true story of the fear and suspicion that led to the Salem Witchcraft Trials, THE DEVIL’S GLOVE is a tale of betrayal, loyalty, and the power of secrets. Will Resolve be able to uncover the truth before the town tears itself apart, or will she become the next victim of the village’s dark and mysterious past?
Pieno Ventennio: il Fascismo regna sovrano e la “Direttissima” (galleria ferroviaria di inusitata grandezza) è l’opera del regime per eccellenza – le vite di chi ci lavora contano ben poco, (Read More)
purché l’opera sia finita in tempo.
È così che un’intera civiltà contadina (con tutti i suoi modi, i suoi riti, le sue magie) viene spazzata via in nome del Progresso e di due lire di paga; è così che Rosa – una bambina molto speciale – perde la persona che ha più cara al mondo: il mistero di questa scomparsa segnerà tutta la sua vita.
Oggi un’anziana scrittrice di libri per l’infanzia, Rosa Spina vive ancora sui monti vicino alla galleria, insieme a tre perfetti nipotini che ha cresciuto come figli.
Adesso però che Rosa sente avvicinarsi la fine e decide di trascrivere le proprie memorie, il dolore di quel passato lontano e sepolto riemerge. Nonna sta male e il bosco sta male: le foglie cadono gialle dai rami in piena primavera.
Ai tre nipotini non resterà che farsi coraggio, affrontare il vecchio bosco (che forse non ha perso tutte le sue magie) e ripercorrere il passato di nonna per svelare il mistero che ha condizionato tutte le loro esistenze.
From its opening lines this historical novel from Grindle (Villa Triste) grips with its rare blend of a powerfully evoked past, resonant characters, smart suspense, and prose touched with shivery poetry: ‘Nothing will lead you to guess what sweet familiars we were, thirty years ago in Massachusetts, where they called me Witch,… Powered by telling historical detail, vivid visions, and an urgent sense of empathy for its characters, The Devil’s Glove will dazzle readers who appreciate immersive, lyric historical fiction open to possibilities.
BookLife Reviews, Editor’s Pick